Nel 1959, in seguito alla ribellione di Lhasa e alla successiva repressione dei cinesi, Sua Santità il Dalai Lama lasciò il Tibet per cercare asilo politico in India. Poco dopo, un massiccio esodo di circa 85.000 tibetani invase l'India, il Nepal ed il Bhutan. Essi fecero un terrificante viaggio attraverso i passi Himalaiani alti 5.000 metri e molti, specialmente donne e bambini, morirono lungo la strada. La fuga dalla propria Patria spesso porta la popolazione a perdere la cultura originale e a trasformare il consueto stile di vita, ma la salda determinazione dei rifugiati tibetani ha preservato la loro religione e la loro cultura anche in esilio. E' importante ora come lo era nel 1959 mantenere intatte queste espressioni di vita tibetana nei campi e nelle comunità dei rifugiati.
Tibet was an independent country with its own government, economy, language, distinct culture and religion unti1 its invasion by the Chinese.
Since the beginning China's aggression towards Tibet in 1949, approximately 1.2 million Tibetans (around one sixth of the total population) have died through political persecution, execution, torture and starvation. over 6,000 monasteries, nunneries and other ancient religious and cultural centres have been destroyed. Tibet has been flooded by Chinese people and there are now 7.5 mil1ion Chinese to the 6 million Tibetans living in Tibet.
Tibetans are still being persecuted, imprisoned and killed far their political and religious beliefs, and far holding non-violent demonstrations declaring their right to self-determination in their own country .
In 1959, following the Lhasa Uprising and subsequent suppression by the Chinese, His Holiness the Dalai Lama left Tibet to seek political asylum in India. Shortly after, a massive flood of around 85,000 Tibetans poured into India, Nepal and Bhutan. They made the gruelling journey over the
16,000 foot Himalayan passes and many, especially women and children, died on the way.
Departure from a known environment often causes a population to lose its culture and transform its traditional lifestyle, but the unshakable determination of the Tibetan refugees has preserved their religion and culture in exile. It is as important now as it was in 1959 to maintain the Tibetan way of lire in the refugee settlements and communities.
Grande marketto vedo che te la stai cavando bene...immagino che fatica stai facendo con quel caldo,mi raccomando stringi i denti e scrivi sempre sul tuo blog che mi fa piacere sapere come stai,ciao grande!!!